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Soundproofing Lies, Course 102

Walls and Ceilings, Caution

Sheetrock Manufacturing Companies

Historically, most sheetrock manufacturers for regular construction are reasonably honest. They run tests which are reasonably accurate.

Except for Serious Materials ("QuietRock"), in several known cases, these manufacturers have calculated what they think the STC will be without having an actual test performed by an STC lab that can backup their numbers.

  Soundproofing company sales guy. 

Green Glue is a competing product and they have actual STC tests for comparisons.

A Note on Recording Studio Soundproofing

Once you get into recording studio soundproofing, everyone tests their windows.

A recording studio will not talk to a soundproofing company without having the STC tests.

Walls are usually custom built as designed by an accoutic engineer, and are not usually a soundproofing problem.

Bottom Line

Protect yourself.

If you don't have the STC test results for any product, it is not possible to compare to any other products.

  A peaceful and quiet sunset. 

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